Fructose Free/ Lactose Free 

Marmalade Cakes

For about 10 cakes

100 g Lactose free margarine

100 g Dextrose

2        Eggs

100 g Plain flour/ Gluten-free flour

1/2     pack baking powder

          Fructose free marmalade


  1. Pre-heat the oven on 180°C and put paper moulds in a muffin tray.
  2. Beat margarine (or Lactose free margarine) and dextrose until fluffy.
  3. Add the eggs and keep beating until fluffy.
  4. Mix baking powder with flour, combine and keep on beating. 
  5. Fill the paper moulds with the mixture, using a table spoon.
  6. Make a well in the middle of the cake and put marmalade in.
  7. Put the muffin tray on a baking tray or grate and put it in the middle of the oven for about 12 minutes.
  8. Take the cakes out of the oven when ready, let them cool down and enjoy :)